The Finance Executive

Meet Manish

Manish is CFO for one of the Middle East's leading facilities management companies.

Learn how Manish used BlueSteps to successfully gain a new CFO position.


Director of Finance & Corporate Services

Manish’s title when he joined BlueSteps.

Dubai, UAE

Manish’s location when he became a BlueSteps member.

17+ Years

Manish’s executive-level experience included most recently serving as Director of Finance & Corporate Services at a competitor facilities management company, where he helped orchestrate funding for a major acquisition.

Manish was ready for a new challenge
Manish learned about BlueSteps while completing his Executive MBA, studying part time in both New York and Dubai. His business school held a panel of AESC member executive search consultants where he learned about the executive search process.
Manish's Journey with BlueSteps
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Manish leveraged the Executive Career Guide.
Manish took advantage of the BlueSteps Ultimate Executive Career Guide, where he gleaned valuable insights on Networking with Executive Search Consultants; The Executive Job Search; Personal Branding and Social Media for Executives; Executive Interview Techniques; and Compensation Negotiation.
BlueSteps webinars provided Manish with concrete tactics to advance his career.
Manish accessed the archive of Executive Webinars, available exclusively to BlueSteps members. Manish downloaded Top Tips for Transitioning from Director- Level to C-Suite where he gleaned insider tips from executive recruiters at leading search firms and best-in-class career coaches.
Manish connected with a BlueSteps advisor.
It had been almost a decade since Manish's last job search, so he decided to connect with a BlueSteps advisor for advice on updating his career documents, with a specific goal of landing a cross border opportunity. Manish's advisor recommended a resume refresh, new executive bio and a rewritten LinkedIn profile to showcase his achievements and international experience.
Manish achieved his goal.
Manish’s BlueSteps membership helped him advance to the C-suite with a new position as CFO at a major facilities management company based in Dubai. Manish leveraged a contact he made at a BlueSteps Executive MBA networking event to learn about opportunities in his home city. While Manish doesn’t plan on searching for new opportunities anytime soon, he knows that his Lifetime BlueSteps Membership is a service that will provide value throughout his career.
BlueSteps works for Manish and it can work for you, too.
You’ve worked hard to get where you are in your career, now let BlueSteps work for you. BlueSteps is there for you for every step of your executive career.
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