A great comment in our linkedin group, promoted me to publish here as it gives a great overview of why Brazil is becoming a more attractive place for new buiness ventures and personal relocation.

'Lula's leadership has done marvels for the Brazilian economy. Initially received by the business community with skepticism as an ultra Socialist who will destroy the Capitalist foundation of the society, he proved to succeed where his Right Wing predecessors had not. The standard of living of the lower economic echelons is rising, and with it (plus some serious police work) a substantial reduction in violence is taking place, making the average citizen feel more secure and positive. This increases the economic tempo of the country resulting in this boom in hiring and employment growth.

Of course, not to ignore, the Brazilian financial markets were not affected almost at all by the global crisis as, unlike the Europeans, the Brazilians were either not enticed, or otherwise did not fall prey to the financial chaos of the toxic assets plaguing most of the western economies.

Finally, the Brazilian freedom from imported oil, a process which started way back in the early 70s has come to fruition, and unlike the US that is depleting its coffers to the tune of $1bn daily, OPEC Brazil does not carry that burden on its balance of trade.'

Written by BlueSteps member: Dan Gielan - Information Technology Executive in LA, USA.


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