Interpersonal relationships are the greatest challenge for leaders in business, especially for those in senior executive management positions. As a leader you must prepare to operate across many racial, social and generational lines, and accommodate multiple working styles. Each situation, team and organization requires a specific approach. Gain a competitive edge in leadership positions by following the 6 critical steps outlined below by Adriana Prates, president and founder of AESC firm, Dasein.
1. Promote yourself – Understand your strengths and weaknesses, and be confident in bringing your experiences to the new leadership role. Focus on the new situation, its challenges, skills and opportunities, and know how to articulate your impact on the role and what you bring to the organization. Remember, displaying confidence will allow others to be confident in your leadership abilities.
2. Speed up your learning - In a new leadership role, learn all about the history of the organization, products, services, marketing, systems, structures, policies and culture. Internalize the implicit rules, identify key players and learn the technical aspects of your work.
3. Form a strategy - Analyze and diagnose the challenges and opportunities for this new position. Align your strategy approach according to the specific situation.
5. Align your strategy with senior management - Communicate with your new boss to identify expectations, challenges, opportunities and deadlines. Understand your boss. Understand your preferences in communication and work styles. Understand what is expected of you and create a plan to deliver each specific goal and requirement. Aim to exceed expectations and build this into your strategy with specific metrics.
5. Leadership must accompany management - Analyze the design of the organization. Determine whether the systems, structures, talent and strategies are correctly in place to deliver your goals. All managers can be leaders, but not all leaders can be managers; focus upon the practical and operational procedures needed to achieve your leadership goals.
6. Secure a collection of wins – Quickly build credibility with a series of minor and major victories – celebrate each milestone and award praise to all those involved.
Following these key strategies will help you quickly build rapport with teams across the organization and ensure your goals are aligned with those of the organization.
Adriana recommends following the 10 challenges proposed by the author Michael Watkins in his book, The first 90 days - Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels.
AESC Member Guest Author Adriana Prates, Dasein Executive Search
Adriana Prates is founder and President of Dasein, a company with outstanding performance in Executive Search, Assessment and Coaching and is a member of the AESC - Association of Executive Search Consultants, present in 70 countries. Dasein along with 300 other AESC member firms have access to - the career management service for senior executives.
Adriana Prates specializes in Psychodrama Business and co-author of Bridges of Psychodrama. To speak with Adriana Prates, send an email to:
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BlueSteps is the exclusive service of the AESC that puts senior executives on the radar screen of over 8,000 executive search professionals in more than 75 countries, including China. Be visible, and be considered for up to 75,000 opportunities handled by AESC search firms every year. Find out more at