We all know New Year’s resolutions are often just promises to ourselves that will be forgotten after a few weeks, but what about setting career goals? Knowing where you want to go over the next year is essential, and although this can be decided anytime, there is no better time than now to work that out.

To help you along, we have created a list of 15 suggestive goals for the year ahead. Ask yourself which ones appeal to you and begin to work out when and how you will achieve these goals. 

1. Improve on last year
The most measurable target in this list, follow your figures month to month from the prior year and take steps to improve your results.

2. Diversify
Diversifying your experiences and knowledge base is essential if you wish to move up the ladder. Get involved in new projects and make connections with colleagues in new departments.

3. Become more educated
Gain a new professional or academic qualification and future-proof your career.

4. Build your professional network
Increase business opportunities, create a safety net in case of job loss and/or prepare for your next executive job search.

5. Get published in trade magazines, websites or blogs
A great way to build your name publicly, rise to the top of search engines and get on the radar of executive recruiters.

6. Get a promotion
Be clear to your boss about what you want and take steps to achieve it. You should be planning your career ladder, not waiting for progress to come your way.

7. Change industry or function
Is this the year you decide to move into your ideal industry or function? Or do you think you want to gain more experience in your current role? If the answer is the latter, make sure you take steps towards transitioning through volunteer/part-time work experience, networking or higher education.

8. Change organization
If you plan to move into a new executive job without changing industries or functions, make sure you begin building your network and creating target lists of employers / positions – even if you don’t plan to move for the next 6-9 months it is essential you know where you want to go.

9. Relocate
So you want to move region altogether? Learn the necessary language, build your network through professional associations and online/offline networking, and research all aspects of the move.

10. Become a mentor
It is well known that if you help others, benefits will soon come your way. Help someone else out with their career this year and soon you will see the rewards.

11. Create more business partnerships
Has your business strategy become too insular or are you simply not taking advantage of all the partnership opportunities out there? Look to those organizations and people in your career space and build connections to reach a wider, more qualified audience.

12. Negotiate your salary
Do you feel underpayed? Perhaps now is the time to negotiate.

13. Correct your work / life balance
Stop letting work take over your personal life! It is in your control and if you dont stop the inbalance now, you are creating a pattern that will last your entire career.

14. Solidify your stability
Work out what you are uniquely valued for in your position and ensure others know your value.

15. Discover your passion
Although this may seem like a self-help slogan, perhaps now is the time to rethink your priorities and discover exactly what it is in your job and personal life that you are passionate for.  

Once you have decided on your career goals, make sure you monitor your progress and celebrate as you achieve milestones. Good luck!


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