The following are some ideas to get noticed by an Executive Search Firm:


  1. Ask friends of yours who are top level executives what search firms they use, who their contact person is and if you could use their name as a referral.
  2. Use professional networking sites. Locate recruiters within your specialty area and contact to see if they are working on searches where you might be of help.
  3. Speak at industry events - becoming well known in your field will put your name on the radar of executive recruiters.
  4. Do you know anyone hiring? Recruiters love to get good leads.
  5. Attend seminars where recruiters will be on panels. BlueSteps, alumni associations and trade associations often have speakers from search firms.
  6. Do something different. Send across an article that might be of interest, along with your resume.
  7. Call during out of work hours when they might be at their desk.
  8. Check to make sure that key words related to your expertise are on your resume. These will be picked up when a search firm runs a search across the internet.
  9. Are there any alumni from your school that are in recruiting?
  10. Look for specific job postings on the firms’ websites and on the BlueSteps Opportunities page. Respond only to those that are relevant. When calling to follow up, ask if there is a Senior Associate you can speak to who is dedicated to your specific area. Sometimes it’s easier to get an Associate on the phone than a consultant/partner of the firm.


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